S01E28 - San Francisco
Ben, Hoss i Joe wraz z kilkoma swoimi pracownikami wyjeżdżają na wakacje do San Francisco. Tam w niewyjaśnionych okolicznościach towarzyszący im robotnicy znikają.
Dodatne informacijeEpizode
Season 1Death on Sun Mountain
Death on Sun Mountain
The High-Sierra adventures of Ben Cartwright and his sons as they run and defend their ranch while helping the surrounding community.
Bonanza (3)
Bonanza (3)
John Pennington prowadzi prace na terenach przylegających do Ponderosy, a na ranczu zaczyna osypywać się ziemia. Ben wysyła Hossa, aby przekonał Penningtona do przerwania robót. Hoss poznaje piękną siostrę Johna.
The Paiute War
The Paiute War
Trader Mike Wilson attempts to escape punishment by the Paiute Indians after mistreating two of their women, by placing the blame on Adam. A fierce war between the Paiutes and the California militia follows, and the Paiutes seize Adam as hostage. Very impressive battle scenes in the this first mini-epic of the series. This episode did all it could to stage the real thing; 50 Indians were used and 50 cavalry actors and extras were used, and the production involved three days of shooting on location. This episode encompassed both the biggest cast and most costly stunts. This episode is based on the factual accounting that occured in May and June of 1860.
Enter Mark Twain
Enter Mark Twain
The High-Sierra adventures of Ben Cartwright and his sons as they run and defend their ranch while helping the surrounding community.
The Julia Bulette Story
The Julia Bulette Story
The High-Sierra adventures of Ben Cartwright and his sons as they run and defend their ranch while helping the surrounding community.
The Saga of Annie O'Toole
The Saga of Annie O'Toole
The High-Sierra adventures of Ben Cartwright and his sons as they run and defend their ranch while helping the surrounding community.
The Phillip Diedesheimer Story
The Phillip Diedesheimer Story
The High-Sierra adventures of Ben Cartwright and his sons as they run and defend their ranch while helping the surrounding community.
Mr. Henry Comstock
Mr. Henry Comstock
The High-Sierra adventures of Ben Cartwright and his sons as they run and defend their ranch while helping the surrounding community.
Ziemia warta krwi
Ziemia warta krwi
Bogaty hodowca owiec zamierza nielegalnie przepędzić swoje stado przez teren Ponderosy. Ben i Adam chcą go powstrzymać, lecz spierają się o metody. Ojciec chce załatwić sprawę sam, a syn przy pomocy stróżów prawa.
Bonanza (Wiara i nadzieja)
Bonanza (Wiara i nadzieja)
Adam udaje się w interesach do Virginia City. Spotyka tam znajomego, Sama Boarda W drodze powrotnej natrafiają na osadników. Cartwright i jego towarzysz postanawiają im pomóc. Adam zakochuje się w córce przywódcy grupy.
O emisiji
The High-Sierra adventures of Ben Cartwright and his sons as they run and defend their ranch while helping the surrounding community.