The croods
'The Croods' (2013) is a computer-animated adventure produced by DreamWorks Animation. The story is about the Croods familytrip. After their cave is destroyed, the family sets out on an adventure to an unknown fantastical world in the search of their new home.. 'The Croods' (2013) is a computer-animated adventure produced by DreamWorks Animation. The story is about the Croods familytrip. After their cave is destroyed, the family sets out on an adventure to an unknown fantastical world in the search of their new home.
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'The Croods' (2013) is a computer-animated adventure produced by DreamWorks Animation. The story is about the Croods familytrip. After their cave is destroyed, the family sets out on an adventure to an unknown fantastical world in the search of their new home.. 'The Croods' (2013) is a computer-animated adventure produced by DreamWorks Animation. The story is about the Croods familytrip. After their cave is destroyed, the family sets out on an adventure to an unknown fantastical world in the search of their new home.