New Amsterdam

New Amsterdam

S04E06 - Laughter and Hope and A Sock In the Eye

3.5. 04:35
55 minutes

Dr. Reynolds and Dr. Malvo have a heart-to-heart with Dr. Baptiste. Max learns a little more about Sharpe when someone from her past resurfaces. Iggy plays referee between two young patients and their families. Dr. Wilder reconsiders Max’s offer to join the staff.

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Truth Be Told

13.5. 05:15, FX, 55 minutes

Truth Be Told

Max discovers a fatal flaw in Dr. Fuentes' scheme to purchase the UMI medical clinic, which could be her ultimate undoing. Bloom treats two high school students for life-threatening injuries and uncovers a dangerous situation. Reynolds helps a brother and sister confront a family crisis.



13.5. 06:10, FX, 55 minutes


Goodwin odkrywa, jak bardzo zaszkodzą szpitalowi cięcia doktor Fuentes. Jego działania powodują protest personelu. Iggy używa niekonwencjonalnego podejścia, by dotrzeć do chłopaka w potrzebie.


Zamki z piasku

14.5. 05:15, FX, 55 minutes

Zamki z piasku

W związku z zamknięciem ośrodka opieki nad seniorami do szpitala zostaje przyjętych wielu nowych pacjentów. Reynolds wyładowuje frustracje na personelu, co niemal prowadzi do katastrofy.


Będę twoim schronieniem

14.5. 06:10, FX, 55 minutes

Będę twoim schronieniem

Personel przygotowuje szpital do przyjścia potężnego huraganu. Goodwin wyczekuje przyjazdu Helen z Londynu i szykuje się do ceremonii ślubnej. Lauren i Leyla leczą ofiarę handlarza ludźmi.

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Serwis informacyjny, Prognoza pogody / 17.05.2024, 09:00

About show


The new medical director breaks the rules to heal the system at America's oldest public hospital. Max Goodwin sets out to tear up the bureaucracy and provide exceptional care, but the doctors and staff are not so sure he can succeed. They've heard this before. Not taking "no" for an answer, Dr. Goodwin's instinctive response to problems large and small is four simple words: "How can I help?" He has to disrupt the status quo and prove he'll stop at nothing to breathe new life into this underfunded and underappreciated hospital, returning it to the glory that put it on the map.


Darnell Martin, Laura Valdivia