

S11E02 - Bones

2.10. 08:15
55 minuta

Booth is still missing, but the team learns that Agent Miller has hidden information about his whereabouts and physical state. Meanwhile, a digital forensic scientist helps Angela try to decipher information pertaining to Booth's location and the circumstances of his disappearance; and Arastoo makes a decision that will change his and Cam's personal and professional relationships.

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15.10. 07:20, FX, 55 minuta


The team investigates the death of a popular professional hockey player whose headless corpse was dumped in the river. As Booth and Aubrey question the player's coach, Booth's depth of hockey knowledge is integral to solving the case, and he's reunited with a hockey rival from his past, putting him back on the ice once again to face off against him. Meanwhile, Hodgins and Oliver have a competition of their own when Hodgins builds two drones and they compete to retrieve the victim's missing head, and Booth and Brennan attempt to declutter their home.



15.10. 08:15, FX, 55 minuta


When the remains of famous billionaire explorer Henry Charles are found in Antarctica, the high profile case is brought to Brennan and Booth to determine if his death was a murder. The Jeffersonian team confirms he was killed when he went missing ten years ago on an expedition, but the timeframe puts the Jeffersonian's Dr. Clark Edison, who was with Charles for the expedition, on the short list of suspects. Meanwhile, Cam's sister comes into town to help with wedding plans and old family friction comes into the picture.



16.10. 07:20, FX, 55 minuta


The team investigates a body found at a glass recycling plant with a diamond lodged in its jaw. French Inspector Rousseau approaches the team with an accusation against the Marquis De Chaussin, who is revealed to be the victim's husband and lives in Virginia. Meanwhile, Booth discovers he suffers from a temporary eye illness, and Hodgins thinks he's being followed by a ghost.



16.10. 08:15, FX, 55 minuta


The team dives back into investigating a serial killer from the past, attempting to find “The Puppeteer,” who lives with his victims’ bodies before disposing of them. Meanwhile, Brennan works through her guilt over her retirement last year, blaming herself for not stopping the serial killer earlier. However, little does she know she might be in some trouble of her own.

O emisiji


Doktorica Temperance Brennan (Emily Deschanel) vrhunska je forenzična antropologinja, zaposlena u uglednom institutu Jeffersonian, koju policija i druge snage reda često zovu u pomoć pri onim slučajevima ubojstava u kojima su standardne metode identificiranja žrtava nedovoljne. Naime, Temperanceina specijalnost njezina je nesvakidašnja sposobnost čitanja tragova u žrtvinim izgorenim, uništenim ili teže oštećenim kostima. Brennanova najčešće surađuje sa specijalnim agentom Seeleyem Boothom (David Boreanaz), članom posebnog FBI-jeva tima za istraživanje ubojstava. Kao bivši vojni snajperist, Booth ne vjeruje znanosti i znanstvenicima, nazivajući ih parazitima koji sline nad fizičkim dokazima. Njegov je stav da se ključevi za razrješenje kriminalnih tajni nalaze među živima, svjedocima i osumnjičenima, starom i prokušanom metodom istraživanja i ispitivanja. Agent Booth i forenzičarka Brennan često se sukobljavaju i poslovno i privatno, a iskrice među njima zasad su realizirane samo u romanima koje Temperance piše kako bi se opustila nakon naporna posla.Inspirirana životom i radom prave forenzičarke i bestseler autorice Kathy Reichs, "Kosti" je iznimno napeta i atraktivna kriminalistička serija istraživačko-forenzičarske tematike, koja se od ostalih serija koje prate policijsku proceduru analize tragova i ostataka razlikuje velikom količinom dobroćudnog humora te emotivnim odnosima među glavnim likovima. Zabavna i ponekad mračna, ali uvijek puna optimizma i predanosti u rješavanju zločina, serija je ovo koja proučava ljudskost znanstvenika koji analiziraju neljudskost iza zastrašujućih zločina.


Dwight H. Little, Michael Peterson