

S11E03 - Bones

3.10. 07:20
55 minuta

On Brennan and Booth’s first official day back at their respective positions at the Jeffersonian and the FBI, things get exciting when remains are found at a fish farm under suspicious conditions, prompting them to investigate. After it’s discovered that someone harvested several of the victim’s internal organs before he was dumped in the water, Angela tracks down the seller and buyer of the organs to try to uncover important details in the case. Meanwhile, Booth readjusts to his position back at the FBI and discovers Aubrey has taken over his old office; Hodgins pushes Angela to showcase her photography work; and Cam struggles with her decision to choose work over her relationship with Arastoo.

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17.10. 07:20, FX, 55 minuta


Booth and the rest of the lab desperately search for Brennan who was kidnapped by her former assistant, Zack Addy. Brennan's rescue is, however, just the beginning of their problems.



17.10. 08:15, FX, 55 minuta


After discovering the body of a man involved with creating artificial intelligence bots, the team must figure out whether the victim's own A.I. bot was programmed to kill him. In the meantime, Bones plans a special surprise for everyone for her 40th birthday.



18.10. 07:20, FX, 55 minuta


When the body of an old man is found in an acid dump site, the team becomes enmeshed in retirement home drama. As they explore the case, talk of marriage and kids begins to dominate the conversation back at the lab.



18.10. 08:15, FX, 55 minuta


The team investigates the murder of someone from Booth and Brennan's past. Meanwhile, Aubrey faces a moral dilemma of his own when he discovers his dad is back in the picture.

Dostupno za 21 sat


21.10. 07:20, FX, 55 minuta


When a tutor of privileged students turns up dead, the team sorts through all the possible perpetrators, from disgruntled parents to the tutor's roommate with a criminal record. Meanwhile, Bones is frustrated with the voice of her audio book and tries to prove that she can record it herself.

Dostupno za 22 sata


21.10. 08:15, FX, 55 minuta


The dismembered body of successful golfer-turned-lumberjack Phyllis Paul brings the squints to the Lumber Sports Regional Championships. At this competition, Booth and Brennan discover numerous secrets that could have resulted in Phyllis' murder, including an affair with a married rival. Meanwhile, Hodgins secretly analyzes the bacteria on the bone of a prior victim that he believes will exonerate Zack.

O emisiji


Doktorica Temperance Brennan (Emily Deschanel) vrhunska je forenzična antropologinja, zaposlena u uglednom institutu Jeffersonian, koju policija i druge snage reda često zovu u pomoć pri onim slučajevima ubojstava u kojima su standardne metode identificiranja žrtava nedovoljne. Naime, Temperanceina specijalnost njezina je nesvakidašnja sposobnost čitanja tragova u žrtvinim izgorenim, uništenim ili teže oštećenim kostima. Brennanova najčešće surađuje sa specijalnim agentom Seeleyem Boothom (David Boreanaz), članom posebnog FBI-jeva tima za istraživanje ubojstava. Kao bivši vojni snajperist, Booth ne vjeruje znanosti i znanstvenicima, nazivajući ih parazitima koji sline nad fizičkim dokazima. Njegov je stav da se ključevi za razrješenje kriminalnih tajni nalaze među živima, svjedocima i osumnjičenima, starom i prokušanom metodom istraživanja i ispitivanja. Agent Booth i forenzičarka Brennan često se sukobljavaju i poslovno i privatno, a iskrice među njima zasad su realizirane samo u romanima koje Temperance piše kako bi se opustila nakon naporna posla.Inspirirana životom i radom prave forenzičarke i bestseler autorice Kathy Reichs, "Kosti" je iznimno napeta i atraktivna kriminalistička serija istraživačko-forenzičarske tematike, koja se od ostalih serija koje prate policijsku proceduru analize tragova i ostataka razlikuje velikom količinom dobroćudnog humora te emotivnim odnosima među glavnim likovima. Zabavna i ponekad mračna, ali uvijek puna optimizma i predanosti u rješavanju zločina, serija je ovo koja proučava ljudskost znanstvenika koji analiziraju neljudskost iza zastrašujućih zločina.


Michael Lange, Hilary Weisman Graham