Va banque

Va banque

19.7. 18:10
35 minutes
Poland Comedy / Crime

October 1934. Poland. Famous bank robber Kwinto decided to quit his dangerous criminal job, but after his friend's death, he changed his mind and organized a burglary of famous and well protected bank which belonged to his former partner in crime, backstabbing and double-crossing Kramer. Kwinto designs a clever plan not to only rob the Kramer's bank but to make it look like Kramer himself did it.

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Polish Polish
Poland Comedy / Crime

October 1934. Poland. Famous bank robber Kwinto decided to quit his dangerous criminal job, but after his friend's death, he changed his mind and organized a burglary of famous and well protected bank which belonged to his former partner in crime, backstabbing and double-crossing Kramer. Kwinto designs a clever plan not to only rob the Kramer's bank but to make it look like Kramer himself did it.


Juliusz Machulski


Jan Machulski, Krzysztof Kiersznowski, Elżbieta Zającówna, Leonard Pietraszak, Leon Niemczyk, Zofia Charewicz, Stanisław Jaroszyński, Henryk Bista, Ryszard Kotys, Zdzisław Kuźniar, Czesław Przybyła, Witold Pyrkosz, Józef Para, Grzegorz Heromiński, Włodzimierz Musiał, Hans-Joachim Recknitz, Janusz Michałowski, Mieczysław Janowski, Zbigniew Geiger, Ewa Frąckiewicz, Jacek Chmielnik, Ewa Szykulska, Zdzisław Wardejn